Wednesday 2 October 2013

Review: Model Comprehend's 1/144 HG Nu "Gundoom"

Before you guys wanna see the pictures, I have something to tell.
This kit has been detailed by my own. I don't use some of the foil stickers and some of the parts I didn't do any panel lining. Some parts are painted, and some aren't.


Foil stickers, Runners(Manual), Box art

Looks cool, huh?

The model
Looks kinda plain, to solve that you can try fill in those panel lines.

The head

A pretty nice head, but lacks range of movements. I used the stickers for the eyes and the forehead camera.


Details are nice. Very disappointing that the arms can't bend until it touches the shoulder armor.


Just to show off my sweet backpack/thrusters. I clear coated them so that they don't look dull.

Can bend only that far.

Again, thrusters are painted silver by me.

I painted the bottom of the foot, vermillion. To me it doesn't look like it, more like dark red.

Well, 4 sets of hands for both arms. Trigger finger hands, fists, open relaxed hands and weapon holding hands.

Beam rifle, 2 Bazookas & a shield with a connector.
2 unique looking beam sabers
1 standard beam saber(with a pose).
These are the same backpack sockets. But you can use them for customization.
These are connectors for bazookas to be stored or armed on the backpack.

Yup, the picture tells everything.
Beam effect parts for the beam sabers.

Nu "Gundoom" can hold the beam sabers pretty well!

Nothing's wrong with the shield. Looks great on my opinion.
For this kit, Model Comprehend provides 2 sets of fin funnels. Total of 12. Usually use only 6.
When you put the fin funnels on the back, the look a bit loose. Super glue might help.

A view from the back.
Oh and this guy can hold the beam rifle pretty well.

Final thoughts
First, I wanna say that this kit do have tons of panel lines and details. I was surprised when I build this kit. So this kit will have my rate, 10/10. Why 10/10?? Even though the articulation on this bad boy is a bit disappointing, I can get over with it. Lastly, I recommend this kit to anyone who wanna start building/collecting Model Comprehend kits.

That's all about it, if you have any questions please ask me. This review took longer than I thought. This is my first review on my blog. Comments and critics are allowed.

Monday 30 September 2013

Long time no see... and here's something!

Hey guys! It has been a very long time. I am very deeply sorry for that because I encounter a lot of problems in my life such as school, family and social. But that's not gonna stop me doing Gunpla.
Now, umm... What you just saw is my already completed HGUC Sinanju Custom. I don't have a name for it yet but I'll get through that later.
And here is another one, which is not a custom obviously. This is my very first Master Grade. 1/100 MG 00 Gundam 7 Sword/G.
Here is 1/144 HG Nu "Gundoom" by Model Comprehend. Yup looking great!
So, what about doing reviews of them? My answer: Hell Yeah! Each one will take time to do. So you guys will have to wait about 1-2 weeks. Again, I am very sorry for not being active. So, I will see you guys next time.

Saturday 29 December 2012

What is -bootleg- ??

Hey guys , now I'm telling what is bootleg . Now seriously , people who want to collect more Gunplas than they imagine-they buy bootlegs . Some peoples that I know they buy bootlegs because of some reasons . Bootlegs mainly sold on cheap prices , but their quality is not same as Bandai though . Move on when I was a little kid , I go to a store that sells many toys . I picked up a Lw Dragon brand HG Deathscythe Hell Custom Endless Waltz kit . Don't blame me for picking up that ! That is seriously my first Gunpla . And I don't know that was a Gunpla . I cancelled the assembling because I lost many parts .
Now , what you just saw above is a goddamn original bootleg ! I didn't buy that though , I searched that on Google . Try to look that picture again but with a sharp eye . At the top , it says ' Gundam Epyon SEED ' . I don't even know that Gundam Epyon was in Gundam SEED line .
I think I'm done here , so if you still don't know why people buy bootlegs , they buy bootlegs because they don't even have enough money to buy Bandai's . And people also buy them because bootleg can be used for making battle damages on it . Sayonara , then !

Friday 21 December 2012

The tools that you need to start building and modelling Gunpla !

Okay guys , here we go !
Side Cutters - Normally , to seperate the gates between the runners , you have to use side cutters that have a flat surface on the other side . Now let me tell you that when I have my first kit , I easily pull the part and just put them together ... ~scary isn't it ?~ So it is useful to have a side cutters.
Utility knife/Box Cutter/Hobby knife-In Malaysia , we don't have many hobby knives~pretty rare~ , but for starters , a utility knife or a box cutter is good too . These things can be used for removing nubs , for those who dont know what nubs are , usually when you cut the piece off the runners - a small tiny thing will stay at there and you can cut away with these knives so keep that in mind .
Tweezers - Tweezers are good for not letting your fingers sticky when peeling stickers off and useful when applying decals !

Sandpapers-Now , the picture above is Tamiya Finishing Abrasives . Sandpapers are for removing nub marks , when we cut off the nubs from the piece - it will leave a white mark on the piece , so the solution is sandpapers !
Fine point pens- These are for doing panel lines . If you did a mistake , take an eraser or a cotton bud and rub it off .
Gundam markers - These are for hiding nub marks too ! You can get this at any hobby store or buying it online !
These are alligator clips attached to a bamboo skewers ! When spray painting , you will need this if you don't wanna risk your hands . 
Primers- These are for protecting your colour from coming off your kit . These are very important when spray painting .
Masking tape- Apply this on your piece and cut it as the same pattern that you don't want the paint to be at .
Spray cans- For spray painting of course ! Shake the can well and spray away !
Topcoat- These comes in different ways . Gloss , Semi-gloss , Flat etc . Topcoats can prevent you stickers , paint , decals after applying them . For now , I don't have them ....
Latex gloves- This is not important but its optional when paintings and stuff .

Now there are some other things that I don't tell you guys above :
Hand painting - this requires patience , take your brush and brush away ! but if your colour does not thicker than you wanted , make sure the one from before dried well and brush again
Decals - Decals comes in 2 different styles : Waterslide decals and Dry Transfer decals . 

So , this is it for today , Comments and critics allowed . Please remind me if I miss something .

Thursday 20 December 2012

Welcome !

Welcome to GBM -Gundam Building and Modelling . My name is Hayato(not a real name) , and you can call me Hayato , Hayata , and Hayate . I will make reviews of Gunpla Model Kits and some pictures too ! So enjoy yourselves !